Telegram has earned a reputation as a safer alternative to WhatsApp or Messenger, comparable to the more well-known Signal messenger with increased data protection. Signal founder and CEO Moxie Marlinspike disagrees, saying that Telegram's reputation for cybersecurity is grossly exaggerated.
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Marlinspike said that messages sent via Telegram are stored on the company's servers in their original form or in plain text, without any encryption to protect users' personal data.
The head of Signal noted that in this regard, even Meta's Messenger and WhatsApp (formerly Facebook) provide privacy better than Telegram. Both of these apps offer at least end-to-end encryption for all text messages sent through their platforms.
In turn, Telegram stores all data in the cloud in a completely open format: texts, general multimedia data, contacts. Even Messenger offers a minimal standard end-to-end encryption protocol for data stored on its servers. In the case of Telegram, everyone who has access to its services also has access to the entire database of unprotected data of messenger users.
Winfuture, the first to report this, claims that the Telegram application is essentially an open window to servers storing the entire history of everything that happened on the platform, which is visible to a private user as well as to server operators. If, for example, a hacker decides to start spying on a user's private messages in Telegram, he can easily do it.
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