The Sarahah anonymous messaging app provides a platform to search for users, express one's feelings much easily and anonymously, and end it there.
This app helps you in discovering your strength and areas for improvement by receiving honest feedback from your employees and your friends in a private manner. In either case, the identity of the sender won't be revealed although the app's website states that the team behind it is working on letting users respond to Sarahah messages. What helps is that the receiver can not respond to the messages sent either, at least not on Sarahah. The anonymity factor can encourage people to slander, bully or send threatening messages to someone they don't like.
The posts are courtesy an "honesty" app Sarahah. To protect users against this, Sarahah gives the option to block unauthorised users from sending messages to them. This messaging app doesn't require your mobile number. Here's where the anonymity of Sarahah becomes not so fun: people can sometimes be mean. You will not know who sent the messages though, nor will you be able to respond to them. Just like its name suggests, Sarahah is created to get "honest feedback from your friends and co-workers".
The app isn't receiving great reviews on app store or Google Play Store since there is actually no filter on what kind of messages are being anonymously sent to people's Facebook profiles.
Anyone can leave you a feedback - if you let them. All received, sent and favourite messages appear in "Messages" tab.
Here are answers to 5 questions that you might be having about the Sarahah application. The "Explore" tab, in particular, is yet to be made live. If a user wants to read comments from a person, the option is set by default within the app. The big problem is there's no way of knowing who's sent you a message. Reply, for some weird reason, lets you forward a message to friends via social media platforms such as Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and more.
And this has been the USP of the app. Another logical feature would be the option to reply, which can then be used by the recipient to conduct his or her investigation.
Sarahah won't disclose the identity of the logged-in senders to users except with their approval.
Sarahah has the right to use the information input by users with the agreement to the privacy policy.
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