52 years after the first human step on the moon: a historical achievement or a big lie?

Neil Armstrong July 20, 1969 (July 29, 1969) Man took the first step on the surface of the moon, the only moon on Earth. But 52 years after that historic event, some still believe that the US government and NASA, the 12 astronauts who walked the lunar surface during the Apollo space program and the 400,000 troops involved in this massive project, are lying to humanity about this great event. 8,400 photos, thousands of hours of footage, a mountain of scientific data and complete manuscripts, and audio recordings of all publicly available Apollo mission conversations, plus the 382 kilograms of moonstone that Apollo astronauts brought with them to Earth. Independently tested in various laboratories around the world, they are fake, and the 600 million people who watched this great historical event on television that day just saw a movie made at the Walt Disney Studios in Hollywood.

Proponents of the conspiracy theory claim that the US government forged the Apollo 11 spacecraft and subsequent Apollo missions to deal a major blow to the Soviet Union in a space race. Some believe that the United States has fabricated this trick to divert world public opinion from the Vietnam War. But let's take a closer look.

Visual evidence

One of the most notorious conspiracy theories about this claim is that no stars are ever seen in Apollo photographs, while in an environment away from light pollution of the Earth and the hazy atmosphere, thousands of stars are expected in all images taken by lunar travelers. , To be seen. This is true when the photos were taken overnight while all of the moon's manned missions were performed during sunny days, which means that similar to what happens on Earth during the day, the stars light up in battle with very bright surfaces. The moon loses the arena and therefore, no stars are seen in the images.

Another argument made by deniers of the lunar voyage about the fake landings is about the flag that Neil Armstrong and "Baz Aldrin" hoisted on the moon. In the photos related to this scene, the wind seems to have held the flag horizontally. How do these people say this happened when there is no wind on the surface of the moon? In answer to this question, it should be said that there is no wind at all. Horizontal bars are mounted behind the cross flag with the tip of the vertical bar holding the flag open. This flag has remained the same on the surface of the moon ever since.

Intense radiation

Perhaps the most convincing argument made by deniers of the Apollo program about the fake landings is the issue of the "Van Allen Belts". Van Allen's two giant donut-shaped belts surround the Earth, absorbing harmful cosmic particles that radiate toward the Earth. The rays absorbed by these two rings are deadly to living things, and without these two belts, life would never have existed on Earth. Some people believe that humans can not cross these belts without being exposed to high levels of radiation.

This was a real concern before the Apollo missions, which is why the scientists on the Apollo 11 mission knew they had to protect astronauts from the radiation. So they covered the spacecraft with aluminum shells as radiation insulation and chose a path from Earth to the moon that would minimize the amount of time the spacecraft had to stay in the Van Allen Belts. A review of studies conducted on all Apollo manned missions showed that the average radiation that astronauts were exposed to was 0.46 radians. This study proved that NASA had the right to protect astronauts from Van Allen radiation. Although this amount of radiation is less than what some employees in the nuclear energy-related departments are exposed to, it is about 10 times more than the radiation emitted in the medical sector by X-ray and radiotherapy devices.

Where did the enmity with the travelers of the moon begin?

400,000 NASA officials and contractors joined hands to bring Neil Armstrong and Baz Aldrin to the moon in 1969, and only one of them suggested that the whole story of the trip to the moon was a deception of NASA and the US Space Agency. At that time he lacked the necessary technical skills to reach the moon. The man is called Bill Kissing.

Kissing worked for Rocktrain from 1956 to 1963. The company helped design the engines of the 50-meter Stern rocket, 110 meters high, designed to carry Apollo spacecraft to the moon. In 1976, he published an article entitled "We Never Goed to the Moon; He published a "billion-dollar US fraud" and tried to prove his claim using a few photocopies and nonsensical theories, and although he failed to do so, his theories are still used in Hollywood movies, Fox News documentaries and YouTube channels. Today, along with the orthodoxy, the 9/11 truth movement (the theory that 9/11 was deliberate), and the Pentagon and NASA's covert relationship with space aliens, denial of human landing on the moon is one of the most famous conspiracy theories in the world.

"The truth is, The Internet has made it possible for people to hear as much nonsense as they want more than ever before, and believe me, Americans love conspiracy theories. "Whenever something big happens, there is finally someone who gives an untrue explanation about it."

The British also seem to love conspiracy theories, as in 2018 the British TV show This Morning hosted Martin Kenny. Kenny believes that no one can walk on the surface of the moon because the moon is not a solid sphere but a mass of light. This is a theory believed by many tectonists, who believe that the American, European, and Russian space agencies have been deceiving people around the world in general about space missions in general and humans in particular for more than 60 years. "Old, you saw the moon landing and had no way of examining any of those scenes," Martin Kenny said on the show. "But now, in the age of technology, many young people have begun to research it."

A 2019 survey in the UK found that 4% of respondents said the theory of deception was "definitely true", 12% said it was "probably true" and 9% said they did not know it was right or wrong. The lunar eclipse theory had more followers among young people. Twenty-one percent of people between the ages of 24 and 35 believed that lunar landings were filmed in the studio, while 13 percent of people over the age of 55 thought so.

In 2001, Fox News also published a documentary entitled "Conspiracy Theory; "Did we really land on the moon?" He cited a poll claiming that 20 percent of Americans in 1999 believed the moon landed fake. American historian Roger Lavonisos says that polls show this figure between 4 and 5 percent. But it seems that every time the reputable media or a film deals with this issue, the issue comes up more.

Launissus cites as an example a scene from Christopher Nolan's 2014 film "Interstellar," in which a schoolteacher tells a character played by Matthew McConaughey that landing on the moon is a deception aimed at defeating A propaganda war was waged against the Soviet Union.

Oliver Morton, author of The Moon: A History for the Future, argues that the persistence of the fake moon landing theory is not surprising. Many people choose between an unacceptable event for which there is a lot of evidence, such as Apollo 11, and an acceptable event for which there is zero evidence, such as a moon landing deception. "The purpose of the Apollo space program was to show how efficient and powerful the US government really is in practice, and to promote the conspiracy theory of the moon was to show how much power the US government has in what its followers think," he said. "It's not a real theory to convince people."

In fact, since no more mission to the moon was made after 1972, followers of this theory, especially in the late 1990s, began to question why NASA went to the moon using the technologies of the 1960s and 1970s, but with other more advanced technologies later. Never repeated this program?

But they often forget that the USSR was ready at the time to expose the slightest fake American move, and if it had not really landed on the moon, they would surely have been the first to raise the American flag of disgrace. "We were at the Soviet 32103 military base, and I swear to God we crossed our fingers and hoped that the Americans would succeed," said Russian astronaut Alexei Leonov in a 2019 interview. We wanted this to happen. "Because we knew those on the spacecraft, and they knew us."

Space Race

The US victory in the space race against the Soviet Union during the Cold War was the most important motivation to reach the lunar surface. But this victory was not possible by deception, because, as mentioned earlier, the power of the Soviets to expose such a great event was far greater than what the United States would like to ignore. In fact, the Soviet-American space race began a decade ago, and Alan Shepard, the first American and the second man to go into space, broke the record just three weeks behind Russian Yuri Gagarin. But the Russians' advance was enough to motivate the Americans to do something great and create a historic event. An incentive that required eight years of new research and technical work.

It may even be said that the greatest motivation came from the then President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. "Kennedy" was involved in an adventure that may have received less attention after Yuri Gagarin's trip to space.

The child of a Russian astronaut dog enters the White House

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to fly into space with the Vostak 1 capsule, once orbiting the Earth. But a year earlier, two female dogs, Belka and Estrelka, flew into space with a Sputnik V spacecraft with a gray rabbit, 42 mice, two rats, and a number of flies, plants, and fungi, all of which returned alive.

After mating with a dog named Pushuk, which had participated in many ground-based space laboratories, Sterlka had six cubs. On June 4, 1961, when the missions of the Russian Gagarin and the American Shepard were successfully completed, a political summit was held in Vienna with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy. US President Kennedy attended.

At the summit dinner, Jacqueline Kennedy, the first lady of the United States, was seated next to Khrushchev, and this gave Jacqueline Kennedy a chance to ask the Soviet leader about the female puppies of the astronaut. A few weeks later, Khrushchev presented one of Sterlaka's puppies, Pushinka, as a gift to John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy. Kennedy sent to America. Prior to entering the White House, security guards examined Pushinka with an X-ray, sonogram, and magnetic scan to make sure the eavesdropper was not implanted in the body of the female astronaut.

On June 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy wrote to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev: "Dear Mr. President ... Ms. Kennedy and I are particularly pleased to receive Pushinka. "Her flight from the Soviet Union to the United States was not as exciting as her mother's flight, although it was a long one and she did very well."

When Caroline Kennedy, who was only four years old at the time, first met Pushinka, she wanted to caress her, but Pushinka growled, and instead of going back to the puppy, Caroline went behind her and kicked the dog from behind. When Kennedy heard about it, he laughed and said, "This is exactly what should be done with those damn Russians."

Although the dog soon became popular in the White House and gave birth to four puppies, which the US President called "Papniks" (from a combination of the two words papi meaning puppy and Sputnik), nevertheless, this dog was a victory for the Russians. "Every day in the space race, he slowed down, and more than a year later, in a famous speech he delivered on September 12, 1962, at the Houston Space Center, the president said," We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are difficult, because this goal will serve to organize and measure our best energy and skills, because this challenge, "It is a priority that we want to accept, it is a priority that we do not want to postpone, and it is a priority that we want to win."

This motivational speech marked the beginning of a new competition that, after weeks of year-round effort by thousands of scientists and engineers, finally succeeded.

Why was the landing not repeated again?

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, ending the Cold War. A few years later, the US space agency, in international cooperation with European space agencies, Japan, and especially Russia, began a program to develop the International Space Station and used shuttles to transport equipment to the orbital laboratory. For the astronauts' long-term missions, Soyuz Russian capsules were used, ending the space race. The end of the space race meant a loss of motivation to advance in serious competition, and on the other hand, the development of unmanned space programs, the maintenance of shuttles, and the phased construction of the International Space Station put a heavy budget on NASA and, therefore, a return to mission. It had brought a total of 12 astronauts to the moon and had no Arab location.

In 2011, the Barack Obama administration announced the end of NASA's space shuttle program and agreed to pay the Russians $ 70 million per seat to transport American astronauts with Soyuz capsules. The figure has reached $ 90 million in the latest contract. But with the retirement of the shuttles, a new path began, which was to outsource the development of efficient spacecraft and missile development to the private sector.

Four companies, SpaceX, VirginGalactic, Blue Origin and Boeing, have sprung up, and since then a new space race has begun, this time not between governments but in the private sector. The competition that these days, after a decade of news of its successful results, has become the headline of space news. The competition that has caused the United States to return to the moon around 2024, this time through an international cooperation in the form of the Artemis program. Perhaps with the return of man to Earth's only moon, the next conspiracy theory is to travel to Mars, which will be the next destination after the moon.





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