In return for full access to almost all of the data on a smartphone, the service offered between $ 13 and $ 35 worth of monthly gifts. The app tracked the phone and web activity, sending the data to Facebook for research of the market.
In short, the social network had access to private messages, e-mails, Internet searches and browsing activity, factors that are not in line with Apple's good policies, which prohibit the installation of certificates on customers' smartphones.
In a statement, Facebook said that the main facts about the market research program are being ignored:
"Unlike the reports, there was nothing secret about it, it was literally an application called Facebook Research. It was not espionage because everyone who signed up to participate went through a clear integration process that asked for permission and was paid to participate. Finally, less than 5% of those who opted to participate in the market research program were adolescents, all with parental consent forms. "
Facebook Research is no longer available on the App Store or the Google Play Store.
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