Modder made Fallout 4 really hardcore

Modder under the nickname Gromdal released a new extension Hardcore Rebalance for Fallout 4. Mod, as the name suggests, completely changes the balance of the combat system and makes it harder. The first thing that catches your eye after installing the extension: the game has disappeared "sponges" - opponents, the killing of which requires not skill or savvy, but only a large ammunition and a lot of patience. Previously, such enemies died only after "planting" several shops in them.

Fallout 4

Now, no living creature in the Wasteland has such a large health pool - neither the NPC nor the player. Modder achieved this effect, halving the increase in HP, which is given after reaching a new level. On the one hand, this will make the game somewhat easier - gamers will no longer have to spend a lot of time and precious ammunition to kill another super mutant. On the other hand, the player himself will also become much more vulnerable, he will need to closely monitor the health of the in-game avatar. Also of added complexity is the completely redesigned AI of the opponents - they have become much more savvy and no longer bar the whole way to meet a certain death.

Compensates for the increased complexity of the increased chance of losing legendary weapons. True, the weapons themselves are a little "ponerfili" - the effects that previously allowed to kill any enemy with a single shot (if he had at least a thousand points of health) were removed from the game. They were replaced by more standard and clear increments to the damage being inflicted. Modified "legendary" in terms of functionality began to resemble a unique weapon from the same Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. With the legendary armor came about the same - the most "cheat" bonuses reduced.

Mod is already available for download on the site nexusmods. Anyone can test it for free.

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  1. Wow that's awesome news! I like the game.. It looks good on the graphics. Thanks for the info.

  2. Thanks for the info.. The game is cool, and very good with the graphic design. How could we get it downloaded?

  3. Nice thread!
    All the games are very good and interesting.
    Thanks for the post.

  4. Game looks good.
    Thanks for sharing.


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